The inauguration of the Students’ Council of Swastika National School along with the inauguration of the NSS Unit and the Language Club was held on 6 December 2021. The College Student Council was inaugurated and all the office-bearers were administered the oath. Dr Kabbinale Balakrishna Bharadwaj, Chief Administrative Officer at Tejasvini Medical Educational Institution was the Guest of Honour. Dr Nagarathna K A, NSS Program Co-coordinator of Mangalore University inaugurated the NSS Unit by lighting the lamp. She explained the various activities needed to be conducted by the students and spoke about the NSS Camp. Mrs Vidyalaxmi Shetty, NSS officer along with NSS Volunteers took the Pledge. Dr Raghavendra Holla N, Chairman of Swastika Charitable Trust ® was the President of the function. Dr Malini N Hebbar, Principal of Swastika National School conveyed her best wishes to the Student Council, NSS volunteers and Language Club members. Mr Yathindra Attavar, Chief Welfare Officer of Swastika National School proposed the Vote of Thanks.