Swastika National School conducted the inaugural ceremony of Students Council and NSS Unit 2022-23 on 17 October 2022. Shri KR Venkatesh, SheshaKuteera, KukkeSubhramanya was the chief guest. N ShankarnarayanaKaranth, Proprietor, Shri Bharathi Systems & Services was the inaugurator. The members of Students’Council who soleeemnly took the oath were: President – Chinmayi;3 Vice presidents – Harsha, Manjunath U, Rahul;NSS Secretaries – Deeptham and Kaveri;Sports Secretary – Loyal DenzilD’Souza;Fine arts Secretary – Bhuvan Shetty;Language Association Secretary – Kavitha and class representatives for various classes.Dr RaghavendraHolla, Chairman,Dr Malini N Hebbar, Principal, Mrs Deepa Shetty, Students Welfare Officer, Mrs Vidyalaxmi, NSS Staff Coordinator, faculty members and students were present on the occasion.