Program: A Community Outreach Program to Swastika National School and Canara High School Association, Anirveda- Mental Health Resource Centre and Rotary Mangalore Down Town towards a collaborative Mental Health Communty Series- 7 at T.V. Raman Pai Convention Centre, Kodialbail, Mangalore. Resource Person: Padmashri Dr Mathaa Manjamma Jogthi. Topic: “Towards a Psychologically Healthy Community – Series 7 – Fostering Safe Spaces”. This program was planned to create awareness about the problems of people belonging to LGBTQ community. A solo-performance play based on the life of Manajamma Jogthi, directed by Dr. Beluru Raghunandhan and acted by Arun Kumar was staged. There was a Q & A session wherein Padmashri Jogthi took questions from the audience and the Press. The Inaugural witnessed the presence of M. Ranghanath Bhat Secretory of Canara High School Association Mangalore, Rtn Ganesh Prabhu President Rotary Mangalore Down Town , Dr. Shwetha K.T Director of Anirveda Mental Health Centre Mangalore, Nikhila President Navasahaja Community Association Mangalore, Dr. Malini.N Hebbar Principal Swastika National School Mangalore. Beneficiaries: 350 transgenders and general public.