“CHAVADI”,the Fine Arts Association of Swastika National School was inaugurated by Shridhar Holla, Director, Bharathanjali Dance Academy, Kottara, Mangalore, on 10 March 2022. Dr Tukarama Poojary, President, Rani Abbakka Tulu Research Centre, Mangalore, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. After the inauguration, under the banner “CHAVADI” UTSAVA-2022, an Inter Class Variety Cultural Competition was held. Sri Vinod Shetty Krishnapura, Theatre Artiste & Director and Smt Ramamani Bhat, Senior Grade Carnatic Music Artiste, Former Professor & Banker were the judges for the occasion. Five teams participated in the event and II B.Com.stood first. Mr Sharath R K, Secretary, Fine arts Association, bagged the best individual performer award.